First-time visitors visiting a museum will leave with new knowledge and stunning visual memories that will inspire them to learn and create. Challenge: create museum visitor experiences that will also inspire them to return. A visit to your museum should leave a lasting impression that may also spark conversations with friends and family or on social media about their museum visitor experience, which can help direct even more people to your door.
So how do you turn your museum into a must-see attraction with regular visitors? Here are five ideas you can use to orchestrate museum visitor experiences that help you achieve that goal and how you can measure the effectiveness of your efforts with people counting technology.
You need more than an entrance point and “Welcome” sign. From the moment your guests cross the threshold of visiting a museum, they should be engaged and have a clear idea of what you have to offer. Some ways to achieve this when enhancing the museum visitor experience are…
A museum visitor experience can be greatly enhanced through modern interactive technology. Motion sensor and touchscreen interactivity have been around for some time and are still effective display tools. Imagine, however, an interactive display that can respond to questions in your native language or a robot that responds to your commands or queries. How about visitors being able to immerse themselves into a prehistoric setting using a VR headset? Combining older technology with advanced artificial intelligence tools and virtual reality can take the museum visitor experience to a whole new level and elevate your museum to can’t-miss-destination status.
Let’s face it, younger audiences, especially millennials and Gen Z, use social media as a form of communication. Use it to your advantage:
Nearly all your visitors carry smartphones or tablets with them wherever they go. The museum visitor experience can be even more fun and engaging if you provide free downloadable apps that they can use to find more information on exhibits while touring your facility. Site maps, exhibit information, and digital galleries can also help compliment their journey and make it a more memorable visit.
On the operations side, invest in technology to count the people coming into your space so you have an accurate view of visitor numbers. You can even take that a step further by choosing a technology like ceiling mounted image processing-based sensors. This type of people counting technology gives you the ability to differentiate between and adults and children, taking your visitor statistics to a new, more in-depth level.
Whether your museum has a directional, one-way route or multiple ways for visitors to wander, it is vital to have proper signage that can help them navigate. Controlling the flow of foot traffic helps prevent congestion, which can detract from the museum visitor experience.
Using people counters at strategic entry and exit points can help pinpoint areas prone to traffic jams. This data gives you an opportunity to make improvements in crowd flow and can help determine the success of new exhibits.
Crafting a memorable and enjoyable museum visitor experience is very important to your museum’s reputation and future success. Initiating these five strategies can help you build an environment that invites people to return. Your facility will become more valued by the community—and benefactors—once the word spreads about all the great experiences visiting a museum has to offer.
If you’ve decided it’s time to start counting the adults and children who visit your museum each day with people counting technology like a image processing-based overhead sensor, contact Traf-Sys for a quote.
First-time visitors to your museum will leave with new knowledge and stunning visual memories that will inspire them to learn and create. Challenge: create museum visitor experiences that will also inspire them to return. A visit to your museum should leave a lasting impression that may also spark conversations with friends and family or on social media, which can help direct even more people to your door.
Start improving your museum experience with people counters from Traf-Sys. Get a free quote today!