How People Counters Save Time, Money and Staff

Accurately monitoring foot traffic through your facility helps you make better, more informed decisions. Through dedicated and sophisticated software, you can accurately monitor your foot traffic and make the necessary changes within your organization to save money and time, manage facilities more effectively, direct your staff and take advantage of traditional marketing strategies. 

People counting can assist with many aspects of your facility management, such as infrastructure, staffing, hygiene facilities, resources and equipment. Most importantly, it helps you ensure your facility is running smoothly and at optimum efficiency and profitability. Make wise choices with robust visitor traffic counting software — learn about it here. 


Installing a people counting system in your library can have many benefits. Many libraries are reaping the rewards from this software by using it to save money, justify the library’s existence and improve library services. Some advantages include:

  • Recording the total headcount in the facility at any given time. 
  • Reporting metrics such as visitors per hour, day, week, month or year.
  • Discovering which areas of the library are most popular.
  • Reducing queues.
  • Discovering which days and times are the busiest and improving staffing and service during those periods. 
  • Monitoring paths visitors take through the facility. 
  • Understanding and monitoring the library’s circulation rate to customize the visitor experience.

Most of the benefits listed above aim at improving an individual’s experience in the library. Libraries have to prove their worth every time technology evolves, as people often see them as redundant. By using monitoring software such as a people counter, you can customize the library experience. 

You can achieve this by having more staff during busy times to avoid queues and frustration and supplying more information and books that people find interesting based on the library’s busy sections. Understanding the patterns and habits of library visitors can help you plan ahead and save money on staffing and resources people don’t necessarily use often, increasing your efficiency within the college. 

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College Entrances

The university entrance is probably one of the busiest places at a school at any point in time. This entrance provides entry to every lecturer, student, staff member and delivery person, plus anyone else visiting the university for the day. 

Tracking the number of people at the college entrance during certain times of the day helps ensure the college has the proper funding and organization to keep everything running smoothly. Funding may seem worlds apart from entrance monitoring, but with people tracking software, you can monitor daily foot traffic and wear and tear. This knowledge helps you propose budgets for infrastructure improvements and maintenance, as you already know what physical changes that area will experience within the next semester or year. 

Entrance tracking can also ensure colleges have enough staff members present during peak times and fewer faculty during slower periods. You can decrease staff costs by avoiding unnecessary over-staffing throughout the day. 

Different college departments can also adapt their physical marketing strategies accordingly — like hanging up posters — and market to the right people at the right time. Students may be more likely to remember the advert and take action on it if they feel like it was tailored to them. You can then adapt your marketing to make your promotions translate to traffic.  

Large amounts of data can be collected through entrance halls, and it becomes easier to do profiling of various demographics for marketing purposes. This information is also easy to present to key shareholders at a glance, as the software will provide users with charts and graphs to display the information collected.

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On-Campus Cafes and Restaurants

Colleges are more than just educational centers — they become a place of entertainment, food, socialization and fitness for their students. Learners will spend more time at their college studying, researching and socializing with their friends if it is an enjoyable place. With campus occupancy counters, you can see whether your students are spending their money on food and coffee at your facility as opposed to somewhere else. 

A big part of keeping your students at your food facilities is improving their experience. If they have a great time, don’t have to wait in queues, enjoy the food and coffee and receive great service, they are less likely to leave campus and enjoy their time somewhere else. 

To make your college or university a place your learners enjoy, it is important to customize certain aspects of it. With people counting software, it is easy to monitor your peak times and provide adequate numbers of staff during those periods. You can monitor which days are busiest compared to other days based on the menu or available specials. This information can help you understand your customers better and point out exactly what they like and dislike. 

Most learners these days spend their time on their laptops completing homework, researching and studying. People counting software lets you observe busy times and prepare your infrastructure for higher engagement by upgrading the Wi-Fi to handle high demand and ensuring there are enough charging points around the restaurant. 

When everyone is able to plug in and log on, they’ll be more likely to spend their time in the cafe or restaurant and eat and drink more. This improvement is great for budgeting and can become a very profitable part of your institution.

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On-Campus Gyms

Fitness is a part of the college experience many students focus on. Exercise can be a stress reliever for many people, and gyms offer a place for individuals to work out and feel good about themselves. Tailoring the gym experience for students is just as important as personalizing any other location on campus. No one likes standing in queues for a machine or being unable to stretch properly because the gym is too full. 

By monitoring the amount of traffic going in and out of the gym at certain times of the day, you can adjust staffing to ensure there are enough staff members during busy and quiet times, which helps you save costs. Knowing your gym’s capacity also lets you make equipment adjustments as needed. You may realize some machines are hardly ever used, or there isn’t enough of a certain machine type to accommodate every visitor. Understanding what does and doesn’t work helps you stay on top of machine hygiene and efficiency.

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Get a Free Quote for Traf-Sys People Counting Software

The benefits of people counting software cover every inch of your college campus. By tracking the number of people in and around your facilities, you can focus more on providing a tailored experience and providing students with a comfortable and accommodating place of learning. Plus, you can do all this while still cutting costs and making the most of your marketing strategies. 

To start putting our custom solutions to good use, contact Traf-Sys today for a free quote.

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