Convenience Store

Benefits of People Counters for Convenience Stores

How can you be sure if people are visiting your gas station or convenience store to buy food or beverages, top off their gas tanks or use the bathroom without buying anything?

Traf-Sys offers advanced people counting systems that help you determine why customers are stopping. Our products enable you to identify trends, measure marketing effectiveness and make more informed business decisions.

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What Are the Benefits of People Counting Systems?

A convenience store/gas station counter is an electronic sensor that counts people as they enter your facility. Intuitive analytics software then organizes the data to generate informative reports that provide valuable insight into your business operations.

Benefits of using our convenience store people counters include:

How many customers purchase something when they visit your store? Our counters make foot traffic the starting point for performance analysis by allowing you to identify additional conversion opportunities.

When implementing new marketing campaigns, our counters will enable you to compare before and after visitor traffic volumes. You’ll gain a clearer picture of how well your promotional efforts are working and discover ideas for adjustments and improvements.

Use gas station counters to pinpoint traffic volumes at different times of the day to ensure you always have the ideal number of employees on hand.

Make comparisons with other stores in your chain to discover ways to apply best practices and make improvements in underperforming locations.

Our Products

Our Products for the Gas Station/Convenience Store Industry

Examples of our convenience store people counter offerings include:

  • Eclipse People Counter: This overhead image processing-based unit works with our VisiCount software solution to monitor and manage multiple entryways in high-traffic locations.
  • Spectrum Series 3D: This overhead people counter features advanced 3D imaging technology that delivers maximum counting accuracy.
  • SafeEntry: For use in monitoring occupancy, which provides a high-level of control over occupancy levels.

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Contact Us for a Free Gas Station Counter Quote Today

Learn more about how gas station/convenience store people counters and software from Traf-Sys can benefit your operation. Contact us to request a free people counting system quote today. To speak to a representative, give us a call at 1-888-815-6568.

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