People Counting

people counters

People Counters 

People counters are electronic sensor devices used to count people as they walk into a facility or zone. Our VisiCount people counting software then separates the door counts by:

  • Entrance
  • Time
  • Sales transactions
  • Daily special events
  • Weather conditions
  • Staffing hours

With this key data, a full suite of business intelligence reports are generated, enabling store owners, library directors, business managers, and more to make informed business decisions. People counting sensor technology ensures accurate data collection, while our foot traffic counting software provides detailed analysis.

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Overhead People Counting Sensors

(Network connection and VisiCount Software required)

people counters

Direct Count One

The Traf-Sys Direct Count One wireless infrared people counter can be mounted at the entrance or outside of your facility to measure foot traffic statistics. It’s people counting sensor has a transmission range of up to 16 feet and includes features such as lithium-ion battery power and local LCD display. These wireless people counters can be installed quickly and easily. Our door counters are essential for effective space management and safety monitoring.

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How to Select the Right People Counting Solution for Your Business

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Types of People Counter Sensors

Which People Counting System is Best for You? 

The following questions are designed to help determine the best person counter sensor and system based on the unique needs of your business:

If you have an open entrance, horizontal counting can generally be less accurate because multiple people can block each other from being counted by the horizontal digital door counters. Also, horizontal counting requires that the door only swings out, since in-swinging doors will block the beam from detection.

The wider the entrance, or the more foot traffic you have, the less accurate horizontal counting will be. What is your ceiling height and ceiling construction? If you are looking at horizontal counters, they will work at up to about 15 feet of entrance width — and are only recommended at this width if you don’t have much group traffic. If you are considering an overhead sensor, you will need one sensor for every 11 feet of entrance width, depending on your ceiling height. And, with an overhead device to count people, you will need network connections to the sensor in the ceiling at the entrance.

If you need to measure foot traffic counts in the per-hour range, consider using one of the bi-directional counters (which includes all of the overhead counters and the horizontal OmniCounter). Since the door counter sensor captures ins and outs, your hourly traffic counting results will match up closer to the actual traffic trends throughout the day.

If they do, an overhead video people counting sensor is suggested because it can handle detection even when people are standing still.

This will be essential if you want to use the wired capability of the Z-Series horizontal infrared people counter sensors or the Overhead Wireless Thermal Sensor.

People Counting Solutions for Any Industry

Why You Should Use a People Counter and a People Counting System