The Benefits of a People Counting Device for Your Business

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Businesses of all sizes encounter hundreds of customers every day. People counting devices effectively keep track of anyone who enters the store. These systems collect vital information you and your staff can use to guide your decision-making, increasing revenue and enhancing your relationship with customers. But, how can a people-counting device help your business or organization? Here are just a few of the ways you can benefit. 

4 Ways People Counting Devices Can Enhance Your Operations

People counting devices are used within offices, retail locations and large corporations worldwide. But what benefits do these innovative technologies offer their users? Let’s take a look. 

1. Driving Sales

People counting devices allow you to dive deep into how many people enter your store and whether they make a purchase. The resulting number is known as the conversion rate, providing valuable insights into what’s working for your company and what can be improved. Most stores only see a 20% conversion rate on average. 

It’s vital to understand aspects like the impact of staff interactions or the configuration of your checkout lines. As a result of using people counting devices, you can achieve a 1% increase in your conversion rate, and even this small change can help your business tremendously. 

2. Cutting Costs

Data collection for online sales is quick and cost-effective, with websites effortlessly providing visitor estimations and allowing for instantaneous analysis. Automatic counters operate similarly to online website sale trackers, with hourly and daily customer information offering 95% to 97% accuracy ratings. This hands-free solution utilizes horizontal and overhead sensors to track in-store happenings and allows you to analyze conversion rates in real-time using intuitive software. 

Manual counting may save on upfront costs, but you’ll spend more on labor expenses and risk human error in your data collection. Instead of your staff watching the door during even the slowest periods, they can focus on crucial, value-added activities to optimize your business in other areas. In the long run, people counting devices will save on labor costs, optimize your productivity and even reduce risks of theft.

3. Reducing Stress on Staff

Workplace happiness is at an all-time low, with many businesses experiencing staffing shortages nationwide. Half of all workers report their companies being understaffed, and 45% of these understaffed employees say morale is poor where they work. Consequently, employees are more likely to quit, be less productive and display a negative attitude toward fellow staff and customers. 

Technology can be used throughout a business to reduce the stress felt by the staff, which is even more valuable in understaffed organizations. While people counting devices eliminate the need for staff to participate in such a monotonous task, they also help everyone stay on the same page. These devices provide information you can use to create clear business objectives and expectations, avoiding any confusion and ensuring your team is working toward the same goal.

4. Improving Visitor Experience

As technology continues to innovate, the techniques businesses use to optimize their services and best satisfy customers’ needs will skyrocket. And the people agree — 90% of customers believe retail technology is key to improving their shopping experience. People counting devices can help businesses enhance the visitor experience by collecting useful data. 

Monitoring footpaths, analyzing busier times of day and identifying the most popular areas of your building will allow you to customize your strategy to enhance customer experience. You’ll ensure promotions are in the ideal locations and your best-performing staff are on the floor during high-traffic periods. 

Work With Traf-Sys for Your People Counting Devices

People counting devices hold a wealth of untapped potential for your business to grab onto. Our products can help you create an informed strategy and tailor the customer experience to drive sales and save money. When you use our Traf-Sys people counting systems, you can rest assured that your business will live up to its full potential! Contact our team to learn more, or request your free quote today! 

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