Traf-Sys People Counting Solutions Featured In Jewelry Industry’s InStore Magazine

The article highlighted the Traf-Sys IP Thermal Sensor, explaining that it can be tailored to each retailer’s unique entrance for optimum accuracy. Wimmer mentioned that it can be combined with other sensors for wider areas. Traf-Sys also offers image processing, dual view, horizontal, bidirectional and unidirectional people counters in order for retailers to choose the correct hardware for their entrance.

Wimmer showcased Brian Toone of the Jewelry Design Center in Washington, who installed an infrared beam – like Traf-Sys’s IP-Connnected, Dual View and Wireless Thermal Sensor options – over the front entrance of his store. This allows him to receive deliveries through his employee-only entrance in the back of the store without interfering with his traffic count.

“It helps you plan vacation time,” Toone said of his infrared people counter. “It helps you see how effective your staffing is. It’s also nice for parties; it gives you a count. RSVPs are never very accurate.”

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